Over our lifetime, we all have a tendency to accumulate energy blockages and negativity. Many come on slowly over the years, some come on rapidly. Holding on to feelings such as guilt, anger, jealousy, inability to forgive, resentment, self punishment or self-loathing can cause serious upsets to the mind, body and spirit. Over time or quite suddenly, we may produce mental or physical symptoms. For example, mentally we may develop depression, feel hopeless, become obsessive or over-work, have uncontrollable outbursts of anger, become abusive, develop drug or other addictions, perhaps under or over eat, or have overwhelming fears, phobias or worry. Physically, we may experience overwhelming fatigue, have sleep problems or nightmares, develop allergies, physical pain and ailments, or we may even self-harm. Many people also have their energy field weakened by living with stressful jobs, or stressful relationships. There are also other people that 'feed' off our energy - either intentionally or unintentionally - leaving us feeling depleted, tired and weary after an encounter with them. (Disclaimer Note - we would always advise that physical issues should be investigated in the first instance by a medically trained professional). |
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